Global Amusement Inc




Three interactive rides in the UNIS series can be purchased separately or as a part of a larger piece. Each ride features a unique video game that stars the principal ride character, a large 3D molded head for the character up-front, and built-in dynamic lighting for each ride.

Captain Barnacles Bear – The leader of the pack drives a blue-green submarine. Control the fun with a joystick and button.

Kwazii Kitten – This daring kitten with an eye patch has a brown submarine with a shark face on the front. Riders enjoy a mounted cannon shooting game on the screen.

Peso Penguin– Peso’s vehicle is patterned after a blue whale and has a vertical monitor. Race your sub through an underwater course collecting items using the big joystick!

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W 0+ D0 + H0


W 0+ D0 + H0

Weight Kg


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